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Jon Dowding



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Stories of how my family came to the United States have been told on a never-ending loop since I was little. My father immigrated here from the Caribbean as a child and there are still missing pieces in the stories of his parents lives. These unique and unfinished stories have always captivated my attention and first influenced my desire to become a storyteller. Now, I dream of being a journalist who can bring a voice to the voiceless and have the opportunity to interview the interesting, unique and diverse array of people who shape our society.

Since July 2023, I've worked as a Reporter/Senior MMJ at News 12 Long Island as part of News 12 New York. I hope to harness these storytelling skills further and tell more compelling stories as a bilingual reporter and TV anchor. 

In April 2023, Jon was part of a team that won the Virginia AP Broadcasters Award for Excellence in Public Service Through Journalism.

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